Saturday, April 2, 2011


The Native American war shield or medicine shield wasn't used only for the warrior's protection during battles, but it also represented the warrior's personal vision, his spiritual power and medicine which came to the warrior during a vision quest (hanblecheya) on the top of a mountain. During his vision quest, the warrior spends 3 to 4 days fasting, alone on the top of a sacred hill, makes his offerings and prayers, and his mind is totally in tune to the spiritual world, to the Great Spirit. During this time he will have dreams or visions that will give him his personal power. After his vision quest, the warrior goes to the medicine man of the tribe who will then interpret the vision for the warrior. This interpretation given by the holy man will be transferred to the person's shield, and can also be symbolized on the walls of his tipi. Because of this very important process an individual shield was a very important item, not only for physical protection, but also for the spiritual protection it provided. The medicine shields were thus carried with the man and also put in places of honor to the East of the warrior's lodge.

deer hide medicine shield

raw hide medicine shield

painted mini shields

mini shield earrings
The personal medicine shield was made of animal skin or hide stretched over a wooden hoop. Around the edges were attached feathers, fringes and other objects. It had a special symbol painted on it representing the warrior's vision, be it an animal that came to him, or some element of nature such as lightning, the sun, the moon, etc. The color was also important for the shield confection. The person could also add his medicine bag or his special totem to his medicine shield.

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